Amstrad PC3086

HxC Floppy Emulator on IBM PC and compatible support
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Amstrad PC3086

Post by Retrofan »


I've got a 1.44Mb Gotek and I've just flashed it without problems. It shows HxC on screen.
BUT I've got an Amstrad PC3086 that uses a 1.44Mb floppy drive. When I replace the original floppy with the flashed Gotek it shows on screen after booting: "Error: Faulty floppy disk Controller or disk drive"

It will show that message no matter if the pendrive is or not plugged in. If it is it will show hXc on screen and if inserted with a hfe image plus the config file (indexed mode), 000 on screen, but the Amstrad shows that Error message.

Do you have an idea what the problem can be?

Edit: When I connected the flash programmer following the programmer cable instructions to connect them, I had no light on the Gotek screen, but the HxC program flashed it (it said so).
So later I had to unplug the 3volt cables from the Gotek and then the Led screen turned on. When I installed the usb pendrive it changed from Ldr to HxC, so it seemed to be perfect.

Edit 2: OK, it was just the jumper on the Gotek. Changing it to use S0 it is working now ;)


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