HxC firmware for Gotek drive instructions

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HxC firmware for Gotek drive instructions

Post by Jeff »

HxC firmware for Gotek drive : Introduction

The manual was moved to this page :
Please follow up the link to find the up-to-date manual.

The HxC Floppy Emulator firmware for Gotek is the enhanced firmware for the Gotek Floppy Emulators replacing floppy disk drives on old computers, keyboards/samplers/synths and CNC machines to use modern USB sticks instead of the old floppy disks.

The HxC Floppy Emulator firmware add to the Gotek floppy emulators new features, new user interfaces, new floppy disk formats support, new machines support and new floppy image types support !

:arrow: Here is a non-exhaustive list of features brought by the HxC Floppy Emulator firmware for Gotek :
  • 3", 3"1/2, 5"1/4, 8" disks supported...
  • Single and Double sided disks supported.
  • FM / SD, MFM / DD or HD densities supported.
  • Bitrate : 125Kb/s, 250Kb/s, 300Kb/s, 500Kb/s...
  • All RPM supported : 300 RPM, 360 RPM, 600 RPM...
  • All sector sizes supported : 128/256/512/1024/2048/4096 Bytes...Mixed sizes supported !
  • All track skew and sector interleaving supported.
  • Up to 255 tracks per disk supported.
  • QuickDisk emulation supported !
  • Special : Copy protections, Variable bitrate, weakbits and special formats supported.
  • (With LCD/OLED/OSD) : USB stick browser to select the file image to load. Folders/Subfolders supported.
  • Mount USB Stick's folder as a FAT/DOS compatible floppy disk ! (NEW ! fw version >= v3.2.1.1a)
  • *.HFE (v1 & v3), *.ADF, *.ST, *.DSK, EDSK, *.IMG, *.IMA, *.W30 and many others file image formats directly supported ! See the complete list.
:arrow: Optional user Interface enhancements : LCD / OLED screens support, On screen display (OSD) support, Rotary support, Trackball support, Additional buttons support, buzzer support...
:arrow: True "file config less" mode : Embedded configuration interface/menu.
:arrow: Compatible with the HxC Direct Access protocol : HxC File selectors and HxCMount supported. AutoSwap supported.

:arrow: Software and firmware updates !

:arrow: Firmware customization service ! : Adapt it to your needs !

:arrow: Extended user support -> For any problem, question or enhancement request don't hesitate to contact us ! :
  • Email. (replace .fr by .com)
Instructions : Summary

:arrow: First Time Bootloader Flashing/Programming process

:arrow: Firmware update procedure

:arrow: Usage instructions

:arrow: QuickDisk Emulation instructions

:arrow: Optional Add-on : I2C SSD1306 / SH1106 128x32 / 128x64 OLED LCD Screen

:arrow: Optional Add-on : I2C LCD Screen

:arrow: Optional Add-on : On screen display overlay

:arrow: Optional Add-on : The "Select"/middle button

:arrow: Optional Add-on : Buzzer sound output

:arrow: Optional Add-on : Rotary selector

:arrow: Troubleshooting

Contact / Support / Firmware updates & News - Stay tuned !

:arrow: On this forum !

:arrow: On the HxC2001 Facebook Group - Please subscribe ! :)

:arrow: News on Twitter - Please follow ! :)

:arrow: By Email !


USB AT32/STM32 HxC Floppy Emulator firmware for Gotek :

:arrow: USB AT32/STM32 HxC Floppy Emulator firmware for Gotek update: HXCFEUSB_HFE_beta_firmware.zip

:arrow: Last firmware release notes : USB_HFE_hxc_floppy_emulator_firmware_release_notes.txt

:arrow: Online Bootloader programmer: STM32_SerialBridge.zip

Image You can purchase the firmware on this page : https://hxc2001.com/store/

File selector:

:arrow: HxC Floppy Emulator Manager/File selector (for Atari ST,Amstrad CPC and Amiga)

PC/Mac/Linux Software :

:arrow: HxC Floppy Emulator PC/Mac/Linux software: HxCFloppyEmulator_soft.zip

:arrow: Last release notes : hxcfloppyemulator_soft_release_notes.txt

:arrow: HxCFloppyEmulator_soft_beta.zip (beta/snapshot version)

:arrow: SourceForge repository : Softwares & libraires sources

Quick install pack archives :

Contains some installation packs for various machines :

:arrow: QuickInstall_FloppyDiskImages.zip

Download page :

The main download page can found there :
:arrow: HxC 2001 Download page
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Posts: 8165
Joined: Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:12 am
Location: Paris

Re: HxC firmware for Gotek drive instructions

Post by Jeff »

The manual was moved to this page :
Please follow up the link to find the up-to-date manual.

First time bootloader Flashing/Programming process : https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... ation.html

Note : Extra flashing service available if you don't have to bother with the following flash process.

All the mentioned files are in the Online Bootloader programmer archive

AT32/STM32 Based hardware bootloader Downloader and Flasher.

This software allows you to download and program the AT32/STM32 HxC bootloader into
a AT32/STM32 based floppy emulator hardware. (For example these "Gotek" or the next AT32/STM32 HxC Floppy emulator units).

Note : This Flash procedure should be needed only once per device since the AT32/STM32 HxC bootloader
will allows you to update the device with a simple USB stick. See the below post if you just want to update your HxC Gotek.

To use it you need :

:arrow: An AT32/STM32 based floppy emulator hardware to flash.

:arrow: A PC under Windows connected to Internet.

:arrow: Any 3.3V serial connection to connect the Floppy Emulator hardware to the PC.

:arrow: Your account information. Go to this page to purchase the firmware and to get your account : :arrow: https://hxc2001.com/store

To Flash the device

:arrow: Set the BOOT0 signal to the VCC3V3 on the device. (Add a connection between "J3" and the VCC3V3 pin. See below).

:arrow: Connect your serial adapter to the device and to the PC. (GND,RX,TX,+5V)
Note 1: To power the device, you can use a external +5V source or the +5V coming from your USB adapter.
Note 2: Cross connect your serial adapter to the device : TX wire to the RX pin, RX wire to the TX pin.

:arrow: Start the SecSerialBridge software and select the COM port of your serial adapter. Click on the button "Open"

:arrow: Enter the server and your contacts data. Click on the button "Connect".
If the connection to the server succeed you will get the "Link is UP !" status.

:arrow: Some seconds later you should get the "Device detected." status.
Note : If you don't get it, try to reset the AT32/STM32 by making a short connection of the reset signal (RST) to GND.

:arrow: Once the device is detected, you can press the "Program" button.
The download and programming process finish with a "Done !" Status. The whole process take some minutes.

Once done, remove all the connections previously done on the programming pins.

The device should now display "Ldr" at power up and wait for a USB flash drive with a UPD file to use.
Here it is the UPD archive with the latest firmware version .

https://hxc2001.com/download/floppy_dri ... rmware.zip

Programming connector

The Programming connector is near the power input connector. (SFRC922,SFRC526,...)

Code: Select all

-+--- NC
-+--- GND      O J3 (BOOT0)
-+--- GND      O VCC3V3
-+--- +5V     OO TX
 |        +5V OO RX
 |        GND OO RST
 |  |
 |  |

(c) 2006-2019 Jean-François DEL NERO / (c) HxC2001

:arrow: Gotek flashing service available :

If you don't want to bother with the online Gotek flashing process and the USB stick preparation then you can send us them to France (Paris) to prepare and test them for your machine and make it mostly "plug-and-play". This will cost an extra fee for the service and postage cost.
Contact us by email to hxc2001 at hxc2001.com if you want to send us your Gotek drive and stick for the installation.
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Posts: 8165
Joined: Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:12 am
Location: Paris

Re: HxC firmware for Gotek drive instructions

Post by Jeff »

The manual was moved to this page :
Please follow up the link to find the up-to-date manual.

Firmware update procedure : : https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... pdate.html

(The HxC bootloader is needed -> see the "Bootloader Flashing/Programming process" post above).

All the mentioned files are in the USB Stick STM32 HxC Floppy Emulator firmware update archive
NOTE : The UPD firmware files are usable when your drive have the HxC Bootloader.
See <<First Time Bootloader Flashing/Programming process>>to get it.

USB HxC Floppy Emulator Update procedure :

With a FAT32, FAT16 or FAT12 formatted USB stick :
(Note : macOS users -> Set the "Master Boot Record" format option !)

:arrow: Remove any older *.upd file from the USB stick.
:arrow: Copy the new firmware file (*.upd) to the USB stick.
:arrow: Insert the USB Stick into the emulator and press both buttons.
:arrow: Power up the device and keep the buttons pressed during at least 2 seconds.
:arrow: Wait some seconds... its done !

Bootstrap error codes:

Error 1 : (blink 1 time and 2 seconds pause cycle) No entry point (->no software flashed)
Error 2 : (blink 2 time and 2 seconds pause cycle) USB init error.
Error 3 : (blink 3 time and 2 seconds pause cycle) FAT error.
Error 4 : (blink 4 time and 2 seconds pause cycle) UPD File not found!
Error 5 : (blink 5 time and 2 seconds pause cycle) Bad UPD File header! (bad file)
Error 6 : (blink 6 time and 2 seconds pause cycle) Bad data crc! (file corrupted)
Error 7 : (blink 7 time and 2 seconds pause cycle) Bad data size!
Error 8 : (blink 8 time and 2 seconds pause cycle) Write error (STM32 flash error)

Jeff / HxC2001
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Posts: 8165
Joined: Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:12 am
Location: Paris

Re: HxC firmware for Gotek drive instructions

Post by Jeff »

The manual was moved to this page :
Please follow up the link to find the up-to-date manual.

Usage instructions : https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... modes.html

All the mentioned files are in the USB Stick AT32/STM32 HxC Floppy Emulator firmware update archive
General AT32/STM32 HxC Floppy Emulator Firmware Usage: -

:arrow: Format the USB Stick in FAT32 (FAT12 & FAT16 also supported).
(macOS users : Set the "Master Boot Record" format option !)
:arrow: (Optional if you have an LCD/OLED/OSD screen) Copy the right HXCSDFE.CFG file to the root of the USB Stick
(See "Mode selection" below for more details).
:arrow: Copy or generate your disks images to the USB Stick. (See "File images supported" below for mode details).
:arrow: Insert the USB Stick into the emulator.

Mode selection

There are actually three modes available :

Normal mode

In this mode the file image/disk to load is directly selected with the buttons
and the LCD/OLED screen or OSD overlay.
I2C screen or OSD overlay is needed to be able to use this mode.
An optional "select" push button can be connected on the JA connector.
No extra software needed.

config file is optional (Config-Less support).

If you you want to have the last image selection image feature, the config file to copy to the root of the flash media
for this mode is into the folder Config_Files/Normal_mode/HXCSDFE.CFG from the
USB Stick AT32/STM32 HxC Floppy Emulator firmware update archive

Indexed mode

In this mode the file images must be named DSKA0000.HFE, DSKA0001.HFE, DSKA0002.HFE,...
Note: Since the version v3.1.39.1a you can add something after the DSKAxxxx prefix (example : DSKA0006_myfloppyname.img).

The 2/3 digits display shows the actual file number selected.

No LCD/OSD and/or extra push button is needed to use this mode.
No extra software needed.

This is the recommended mode when you don't have the extra LCD & button and when
your machine can't use the autoboot mode (see below).

The config file to copy to the root of the flash media for this mode :

Config_Files/Indexed_mode/HXCSDFE.CFG from the USB Stick AT32/STM32 HxC Floppy Emulator firmware update archive

"Autoboot" / File selector mode

In this mode, the AUTOBOOT.HFE software is used to select the images to load
directly on the computer.
This software is actually available on Amiga, Atari ST and CPC computers.

No LCD/OLED/OSD and/or extra push button is required to use this mode, but the LCD/OLED/OSD may help you
to see which disk is actually mounted.

The config and the software file to copy to the root of the flash media for this mode :

https://hxc2001.com/download/floppy_dri ... anager.zip

Internal parameters settings : https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... tings.html
There is many parameters that can be changed. You generally don't have to change
them as the default values are fine in most cases.

Anyway if needed, these settings can be changed with the internal menu.

To access the setting menu, remove the USB stick and press both buttons. Then you can navigate
through the various available options.

This menu is available with LCD/OLED/OSD and 7 Segments Gotek drive.

The file selectors have also a setting page that can be used to change these

:arrow: OLED/OSD/LCD Gotek Menu :

Here is some of the available parameters :

- Floppy Interface mode (predefined modes and custom modes).

- System Family selection.

- Single or Double step track mode.

- Emulation Bitrate (Auto or forced).

- Floppy write protect state.

- Step Sound output settings.

- LCD/OLED characters per line setting (16/18/20/21 or 40 characters per line).

- LCD Backlight/OSD timeout setting.

- Select Button emulation (on/off and timeout setting)

Note : To clear/reset all settings to the default values, press the right button at power up during 5 seconds.

:arrow: Original 7 Segments Gotek Menu :

-> To access it, remove the USB Stick and press both buttons.
--> Choose the sub menu number - wait some seconds for the selection validation.
---> Check and/or change the setting - wait some seconds for the selection validation.

The new setting is then saved into the device.

Current Menu and sub menu definition :

Menu 0 - System family selection :

01 = Amiga
02 = Acorn
03 = Atari ST
05 = Camputer Lynx
06 = Commodore 1581
07 = Thomson
08 = x68000
0A = MSX
0B = Spectrum
0C = Akai
0D = Casio
0E = Emax
0F = Ensoniq
10 = General Music
11 = Korg
12 = Ensoniq ASR10 (Ensoniq Auto DD & HD support)
13 = Opus Discovery
14 = TI99/4A
15 = Robox RC9400
16 = Kawai
17 = Yamaha QX3
18 = User defined
19 = Roland
1A = BAS
1B = E-mu ESI/EOS

Menu 1 - Interface mode :

01 = IBM PC DD
02 = IBM PC HD
07 = CPC DD
0A = MSX2 DD
0B = C64 DD
0D = S950 DD
0E = S950 HD
0F = S900/S950 (Density Auto)
10 = PC DD/HD (Density Auto)

Menu 2 - Write protect mode :

01 = Write protected.
02 = Write enabled.

Menu 3 - Double Step :

01 = Single step
02 = Double step

Menu 4 - User interface mode :

00 = AUTO (DEFAULT/From Config file)
01 = Normal mode
02 = Indexed mode
03 = Autoboot/selector mode

Menu 5 - Auto select delay :

01-08 : Delay (number of seconds).

Menu 6 - Head settling delay :

00-30 : Delay (number of milli-seconds).

Menu 7 - Rotary type :

00 = 1 increment per step rotary.
01 = 2 increment per step rotary.
02 = Disable.

Menus 8<->E : Not currently assigned.

Menu F - Display firmware version

Note : To clear/reset all settings to the default values, press the right button at power up.

:arrow: Built-in default parameters :

You can now rebuild and change the firmware settings, behaviour and brand with the customization page !

USB Stick folder to FAT/DOS virtual floppy https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... older.html
USB stick folder mount to a FAT/DOS compatible virtual floppy feature :

(Fimware v3.2.1.1a or above required)

This feature allows you to directly put your files in a stick's folder and mount this folder as a FAT/DOS floppy disk !

You can use it with any machine compatible with the FAT file system (PC, Atari ST, lots of keyboards/samplers and CNC machines...).

To use this feature, copy an empty/preformatted DOS IMG image to the stick path "/mount/emptyfat.img"
This image can be a 720KB or 1.44MB blank DOS image or any other FAT compatible blank image.
You can use the HxC Floppy Emulator software Disk Browser to create it or take the ones present in the firmware archive.

Once you select a "mount source" folder on the emulator, the emptyfat.img file is duplicated to a "MOUNTED.IMG" file.
Then all files/subfolders present into the selected folder are added into this duplicated image.
(Note : the emptyfat.img remains untouched).

Your "mount sources" / root folders should have the extension ".mnt" to be mounted by the emulator :
example : "myvirtualdisk.mnt"

This new feature can be used with the "normal"/direct browsing (OLED/LCD screen usage) and indexed modes.
For the indexed mode just put the DSKAXXXX prefix in the mount point folder name.
example : "DSKA0000_MyMidiFiles.mnt"

Please note that the image duplication and files copy operations can take some seconds.

Image-less mode : Mount USB stick's FAT12 partitions https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... ition.html
Image-less mode : Mount USB stick's FAT12 partitions! :

(Fimware v3.5.1.1a or above required)

The HxC firmware for Gotek and clones drives is able to emulate
floppy disks directly from the USB Stick FAT12 partitions.
This mean that you can easily exchange files without the need of any floppy
image with machines supporting the common DOS/FAT file system.
In Image-less mode Windows/Linux/macOs operating systems are able to
mount automatically the floppy disks partitions and let you access to the
floppy disk files.
All floppy disk partitions size is supported : 720KB (DD), 1.2MB (HD),
1.44MB (HD) and even non standard sized disks (2.5MB and more...)

-- How to prepare the USB stick ? --

You need to prepare the USB stick to use the Image-less mode.
Some USB stick files are available in the Image_Less_Mode folder in the
firmware archive. You can write them with rufus or dd or any other tool.

The firmware is supporting 4 different partition types / usb stick "format" :

- GPT partitioned USB stick :
This format allows you to have up to 128 floppy disks/partitions on
the USB Stick.
This is supported by all current operating systems
(Windows 10 and recent versions of macOs and Linux).

Pre-partitioned USB stick GPT images are available in
the Image_Less_Mode folder.

- MBR partitioned USB stick :
This format allows you to have up to 4 floppy disks/partitions on the USB
Stick. This is only recommended if you are working with old
operating systems. (Windows XP...)

Pre-partitioned USB stick MBR images are available in
the Image_Less_Mode folder.
You can write them with rufus or dd or any similar tool.

- "No partition" USB stick :
This format allows you to have 1 floppy disk per USB Stick.
This is supported by all opertating systems.

You can write any DOS compatible floppy image with rufus or dd or
any similar tool.

- Original Gotek firmware "Batch Manage Tool" formatted stick :
The HxC firmware is now compatible with the original Gotek firmware
tool "Batch Manage Tool". So you can now use this tool to prepare and
access the USB stick partitions.

The firmware recognizes automatically how the USB stick is prepared.
No particular action is needed on the emulator. Please note that the
classic floppy images modes still of course supported.

-- USB stick files list --

The files to unzip and to Flash to the USB stick with an .img writer
(see the software list) are in the Image_Less_Mode folder :

gpt_usb_stick_16_4_5M.zip : 16 Special (255 tracks) HD 300RPM 4.5MB disks
gpt_usb_stick_16_2_5M.zip : 16 Special (255 tracks) DD 300RPM 2.5MB disks
gpt_usb_stick_16_1_6M.zip : 16 Special HD 300RPM 1.6MB disks
gpt_usb_stick_16_1_44M.zip : 16 Standard HD 300RPM 1.44MB disks
gpt_usb_stick_16_1_2M.zip : 16 Standard HD 360RPM 1.2MB disks
gpt_usb_stick_16_800K.zip : 16 Standard DD 300RPM 800KB disks
gpt_usb_stick_16_720K.zip : 16 Standard DD 300RPM 720KB disks
gpt_usb_stick_16_360K.zip : 16 Standard DD 300RPM 360KB disks
gpt_usb_stick_16_320K.zip : 16 Standard DD 300RPM 320KB disks (single sided)
mbr_usb_stick_4_4_5M.zip : 4 Special (255 tracks) HD 300RPM 4.5MB disks
mbr_usb_stick_4_2_5M.zip : 4 Special (255 tracks) DD 300RPM 2.5MB disks
mbr_usb_stick_4_1_6M.zip : 4 Special HD 300RPM 1.6MB disks
mbr_usb_stick_4_1_44M.zip : 4 Standard HD 300RPM 1.44MB disks
mbr_usb_stick_4_1_2M.zip : 4 Standard HD 360RPM 1.2MB disks
mbr_usb_stick_4_800K.zip : 4 Standard DD 300RPM 800KB disks
mbr_usb_stick_4_720K.zip : 4 Standard DD 300RPM 720KB disks
mbr_usb_stick_4_360K.zip : 4 Standard DD 300RPM 360KB disks
mbr_usb_stick_4_320K.zip : 4 Standard DD 300RPM 320KB disks (single sided)

-- Tools to prepare the USB stick --

Windows : https://rufus.ie/

macOs : https://www.balena.io/etcher/
Linux : the "dd" command. (https://linux.die.net/man/1/dd)

Supported file images : https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... mages.html
Direct support :

- Universal support :
All machines are supported by the (H)xC (F)loppy (E)mulator (HFE) file format :
*.HFE ( Read / Write ), *.HFE (v3 - Copy protected images/"ipf" support) ( Read )

- Amiga :
*.ADF ( Read / Write )

- Atari ST:
*.ST ( Read / Write )

- PC and compatibles (Computers, Synth and tools...)
*.IMG ( Read / Write ), *.IMA ( Read / Write )

- Microbee :
*.DSK ( Read / Write )

- MSX :
*.DSK ( Read / Write ), *.IMG ( Read / Write )

- Amstrad CPC/Spectrum/Tatung Einstein :
*.DSK (CPC/ZX Spectrum Normal & Extended DSK) ( Read / Write )

- Acorn :
*.ADL,*.ADM,*.SSD,*.DSD and *.ADF files support (all Read / Write )

- Camputer Lynx :
*.LDF ( Read / Write )

- Commodore C64 :
*.D81 ( Read / Write )

- Thomson machines :
*.FD ( Read / Write )

- TI99/4A
*.DSK ( Read / Write ), *.V9T9 ( Read / Write )

- Sam Coupé :
*.SAD ( Read / Write ), *.MGT ( Read / Write )

- Spectrum :
*.TRD, *.SDD, *.DSK (all Read / Write )
*.OPD (Opus Discovery)

- Akai (S900 / S950 / S01 / S20 / MPC...):
*.IMG, *.AKAI (DD & HD) (all Read / Write )

- Casio :
*.FZ1 (Read / Write )

- Emax :
*.IMG (Read / Write )

- E-mu EOS / ESI :
*.IMG (Read / Write )

- Ensoniq :
*.IMG (Read / Write )

- General Music :
*.IMG (Read / Write )

- Korg :
*.IMG ( Read / Write )

- Roland :
*.OUT,*.W30,*.S50,*.S33,*.S55 ( Read / Write )

- Robox RC9400 :
*.IMG ( Read / Write ), *.DSK ( Read / Write )

- Kawai :
*.IMG ( Read / Write ), *.DSK ( Read / Write )

- Yamaha QX3 :
*.IMG ( Read / Write )

- User defined raw format : See the custom firmware build page -> https://hxc2001.com/custom_fw/

The HFE files can be generated from almost any types of files images with this software :

https://hxc2001.com/download/floppy_dri ... t_beta.zip

Indirect image support (With the HFE support) :

Code: Select all

KRYOFLUXSTREAM      :  KryoFlux Stream Loader                (*.raw)
AMIGA_DMS           :  AMIGA DMS Loader                      (*.dms)
AMIGA_ADZ           :  AMIGA ADZ Loader                      (*.adz)
AMIGA_EXTADF        :  AMIGA EXTENDED ADF Loader             (*.adf)
AMIGA_OLDEXTADF     :  AMIGA OLD EXTENDED ADF Loader         (*.adf)
ZXSPECTRUM_FDI      :  ZX SPECTRUM FDI Loader                (*.fdi)
AMIGA_ADF           :  AMIGA ADF Loader                      (*.adf)
ACORN_ADF           :  ACORN ADF Loader                      (*.adf)
AMSTRADCPC_DSK      :  Amstrad CPC DSK Loader                (*.dsk)
ATARIST_DIM         :  ATARI ST DIM Loader                   (*.dim)
ATARIST_STX         :  Atari ST STX/Pasti Loader             (*.stx)
ATARIST_STT         :  ATARI ST STT Loader                   (*.stt)
COPYQM              :  COPYQM IMG Loader                     (*.dsk)
TELEDISK_TD0        :  TELEDISK TD0 Loader                   (*.td0)
ATARIST_MSA         :  ATARI ST MSA Loader                   (*.msa)
ATARIST_STW         :  STW Loader                            (*.stw)
RAW_IMZ             :  IBM PC IMZ Loader                     (*.imz)
HXCMFM_IMG          :  HXC MFM IMG Loader                    (*.mfm)
ORIC_DSK            :  ORIC DSK Loader                       (*.dsk)
ATARIST_ST          :  ATARI ST ST Loader                    (*.st)
ROLAND_W30          :  Roland W30 file Loader                (*.w30)
SPS_IPF             :  SPS IPF Loader                        (*.ipf)
TI994A_V9T9         :  TI99 4A V9T9 Loader                   (*.v9t9)
AMIGA_FS            :  AMIGA FS Loader                       (*.amigados)
PROPHET2000         :  PROPHET 2000 Loader                   (*.img)
RAW_IMG             :  IBM PC IMG Loader                     (*.img)
FLP_IMG             :  FLP PC Magazine image Loader          (*.flp)
MSX_DSK             :  MSX DSK Loader                        (*.dsk)
FAT12FLOPPY         :  FAT12/MS DOS Loader                   (*.fat)
HXC_HFE             :  SD Card HxCFE HFE file Loader         (*.hfe)
VTR_IMG             :  VTR IMG Loader                        (*.vtr)
IMD_IMG             :  ImageDisk IMD file Loader             (*.imd)
HXC_AFI             :  HxC AFI file loader                   (*.afi)
C64_D81             :  C64 D81 Loader                        (*.d81)
ZXSPECTRUM_TRD      :  Zx Spectrum TRD Loader                (*.trd)
ZXSPECTRUM_SCL      :  ZX SPECTRUM SCL Loader                (*.scl)
THOMSONTO8D_SAP     :  THOMSON TO8D SAP Loader               (*.sap)
TRS80_JV1           :  TRS80 JV1 Loader                      (*.jv1)
TRS80_JV3           :  TRS80 JV3 Loader                      (*.jv3)
TRS80_JVC           :  TRS80 JVC Loader                      (*.jvc)
SVD                 :  SVD Loader                            (*.svd)
NEC_D88             :  NEC D88 Loader                        (*.d88)
X68000_HDM          :  X68000 HDM file Loader                (*.hdm)
RAW_LOADER          :  RAW Sector loader                     (*.img)
SNES_SMC            :  Super famicom SMC Loader              (*.smc)
VEGAS6809           :  VEGAS6809 image Loader                (*.veg)
TRS80_DMK           :  TRS80 DMK Loader                      (*.dmk)
TI994A_PC99         :  TI99 4A PC99 Loader                   (*.pc99)
APRIDISK            :  APRIDISK Loader                       (*.dsk)
ENSONIQ_EDE         :  ENSONIQ EDE Loader                    (*.ede)
FAT12FLOPPY         :  FAT12/MS DOS Loader                   (*.fat)
ENSONIQ_GKH         :  ENSONIQ GKH Loader                    (*.gkh)
THOMSON_FD          :  THOMSON FD Loader                     (*.fd)
CASIO_FZF           :  Casio FZF file Loader                 (*.fzf)
DRAGON3264_VDK      :  DRAGON32 & 64 VDK Loader              (*.vdk)
OBERHEIM_DPX        :  Oberheim DPX Loader                   (*.dpx)
ENSONIQ_EDM         :  Ensoniq mirage EDM Loader             (*.edm)
EMAX_EM             :  EMAX EM1 & EM2 Loader                 (*.em1)
SAMCOUPE_MGT        :  SAM COUPE MGT Loader                  (*.mgt)
SAMCOUPE_SAD        :  SAM COUPE SAD Loader                  (*.sad)
EMULATORII          :  E-mu Emulator II / SP1200 dsk Loader  (*.emuiifd)
EMULATORII_EMUII    :  E-mu Emulator II *.eii Loader         (*.eii)
EMULATORI           :  E-mu Emulator I dsk Loader            (*.emufd)
CAMPUTERSLYNX       :  CAMPUTERSLYNX Loader                  (*.ldf)
BBC_ADL             :  BBC ADL floppy image loader           (*.adl)
BBC_SSD_DSD         :  BBC SSD & DSD floppy image loader     (*.dsd)
FEI                 :  FEI Loader                            (*.fei)
SYSTEM_24           :  System 24 loader                      (*.s24)
SCP_FLUX_STREAM     :  SCP Stream Loader                     (*.scp)
APPLE2_NIB          :  Apple II NIB Loader                   (*.nib)
APPLE2_DO           :  Apple II DO Loader                    (*.do)
SPECCYDOS_SDD       :  Speccy DOS SDD File Loader            (*.sdd)
ARBURG              :  ARBURG RAW Loader                     (*.arburgfd)
GENERIC_XML         :  Generic XML file Loader               (*.xml)
Software step by step guide :

https://hxc2001.com/download/floppy_dri ... al_ENG.pdf

(c)2006-2020 Jean-François DEL NERO
(c)2006-2020 HxC2001

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Re: HxC firmware for Gotek drive instructions

Post by Jeff »

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Optional Add-on : I2C SSD1306 128x32 OLED LCD Screen https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... -oled.html

Note : Since the, update your firmware if needed.

You can connect an SSD1306 based 128x32 OLED screen.

These screens are compatible with this firmware : https://www.ebay.com/itm/302110929185 ( IIC Interface ! )

You can connect the screen directly to the J7 connector. (additional pull-up resistors NOT required.)

- GND, VCC 3.3V, SCL and SDA position on J7

Code: Select all

                          |     |
                          | USB |

! > Take care with the 3.3V and GND while connecting the screen. Any mistake may damage the screen ! < ! 
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Re: HxC firmware for Gotek drive instructions

Post by Jeff »

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Optional Add-on : I2C LCD Screen https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... n-lcd.html

These kind of I2C LCD board is compatible with the firmware :

https://www.ebay.com/itm/IIC-I2C-TWI-SP ... 484f235c20
(board only - without the LCD)

https://www.ebay.com/itm/IIC-I2C-TWI-SP ... 258afcd8e4
(board only - without the LCD)

https://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Blue-IIC-I ... 338ed80545
(board + LCD)

https://www.ebay.com/itm/IIC-I2C-TWI-SP ... 484f1ed4cd
(board + LCD)

Any I2C address is supported : The firmware scan automatically the I2C bus at power up (0x20-0x27 and 0x38-0x3F address range scanned)
So there is no specific requirement about the I2C address setting.

To connect the I2C LCD, you have to connect SDA & SCL at the J7 connector (see below).
Please note that 2 additional 4.7Kohms pull up resistors (+5V) are needed on SCL & SDA.
the +5V and GND wire can be connected on the programming connector (see below) :

If you want to build the I2C board yourself, here is the schematic:
https://hxc2001.com/download/floppy_dri ... ematic.pdf

- Possible +5V source on the PCB (on the programming connector):

Code: Select all

-+--- NC
-+--- GND      O J3 (BOOT0)
-+--- GND      O VCC3V3
-+--- +5V     OO TX
 |        +5V OO RX
 |        GND OO RST
 |  |
 |  |
- SCL & SDA position on J7 :

Code: Select all

                          |     |
                          | USB |
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Re: HxC firmware for Gotek drive instructions

Post by Jeff »

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Optional Add-on : The "Select"/middle button : https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... otary.html

An additional button can be connected at the JA jumper position.
Needed if you want to browse the USB stick files images with the LCD and the button (Normal mode).
EDIT : Now optional since the firmware v3.0.21.1a

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Re: HxC firmware for Gotek drive instructions

Post by Jeff »

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Optional Add-on : Buzzer sound output https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... uzzer.html

You can connect a piezo or a magnetic buzzer to the JB jumper position.
A transistor is needed for the magnetic version.
The sound output can be disabled or enabled into the selector settings.
(Note : Please remove these old sound mod using directly the floppy step signal, they are producing reliability problems...)

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Re: HxC firmware for Gotek drive instructions

Post by Jeff »

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Optional Add-on : Rotary switch / Blackberry trackball : https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... otary.html

You can connect a Rotary switch to the J7 connector (Same connector used for the screens connection).

"Direction / Dir" -> J7 pin 1. (near the "JK" marking on the PCB)
"Clock / Ck" -> J7 pin 2.

- "Dir" & "Ck" position on J7 :

Code: Select all

                          |     |
                          | USB |
    Dir OO Ck___________________|
If your rotary switch have also a push-button, you can connect it as the select button to the "JA" jumper position :

https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... otary.html

Wiring example :


High resolution picture !

Notes :
- Yellow and brown wires can be exchanged to set the rotary clockwise or counterclockwise.
- The Red wire is only needed when your rotary have some pull-up resistor on its PCB.
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Re: HxC firmware for Gotek drive instructions

Post by Jeff »

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Troubleshooting https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... oting.html

Gotek drive with 3 digits 7 segments display:

:arrow: This doesn't work : The display doesn't work at all

Check that you have removed the BOOT0 strap after the bootloader programming.

:arrow: This doesn't work : I only see "LDR" on the display

You still have to finish the flash process : copy the latest firmware UPD file present into the firmware archive and insert the usb stick.

:arrow: This doesn't work : I see "Nor" on the display when inserting the USB stick

The emulator is in "NORmal mode".

Since you don't have any OLED or LCD screen, you need to use the indexed mode or the "autoboot"/file selector mode if you have an Amiga/Atari ST/CPC.

- In indexed mode you must use the indexed config file and name the files images DSKA0000.XXX, DSKA0001.XXX, DSKA0002.XXX (replace XXX by the original file extension.)

- In "autoboot"/file selector mode you must use the "autoboot"/file selector config file and the autoboot.hfe available for your machine. The images selection is done with a file selector software (autoboot.hfe) to set the "slots" (supported on Atari ST, Amiga, CPC).

See the usage page for more details.

The HXCSDFE.CFG config files and autoboot.hfe files are in the firmware archive.

:arrow: This doesn't work : The floppy image appears to be loaded by the emulator, but the machine can't read the disk.
The Gotek green LED is permanently lit (no flashing) and/or i can read "Rib" at power up on the display

The floppy ribbon is probably connected to the wrong way. Try to reconnect it to the other way.

Explanation : A wrongly connected floppy ribbon force the drive selection by short-circuiting the floppy signals to the ground, and make the selection LED always lit. Of course the machine can't communicate with the emulator in such situation.
Be aware that with some machines the floppy ribbon coloured wire is NOT the pin 1 !

:arrow: More tips and informations :
With this firmware the only valid jumpers positions are S0, S1 and MO. It is important to remove all others jumpers if present. The others pin/"jumpers" positions are now used by others functions/features (extra buttons, rotary, screen...).
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Re: HxC firmware for Gotek drive instructions

Post by Jeff »

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On screen display support (OSD overlay) : https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... splay.html

The HxC firmware for Gotek now support the On Screen Display !
You can now select images and see the drive status on the machine's screen without any additional software or LCD/OLED !
No need to make holes in the machine case anymore ;).


OSD File selector :


Videos :


OSD File selector demo :


You only need 2 wires and a resistor to connect the Gotek to the machine's video signals :
One wire is used for the CSYNC video signal (Composite Sync), the other wire for the red, green (prefered) or blue signal.

One resistor must be put in serie on the color signal between the Gotek and the machine.
You can use a value between 220 and 470 ohms for this resistor. A potentiometer can be also used to tune the OSD brightness/contrast.

This was currently tested on Amiga 500, Atari STE and Amstrad CPC 6128 machines, but should work with any machines having a composite sync signal.

On machines without CSYNC signal available you can enable the additional input for the VSYNC signal at Gotek U8 Pin 1 (PB12) on the custom firmware page : https://hxc2001.com/custom_fw/

Note : If the standby/hide delay is too long or too short for you, you can change the screen standby timeout value in the embedded menu "screen standby" setting.

HxC Firmware for Gotek OSD wiring

:arrow: Gotek wiring :


(High resolution : https://hxc2001.com/download/floppy_dri ... SD_Mod.jpg)

:arrow: Amiga 500 :

OSD Video out : Gotek U8 Pin 5 (PB15) -> 220 / 470 ohms resistor (or a 1k ohms potentiometer) -> Amiga 500 Ferrite bead E432 (see picture).
OSD Video CSYNC in : Amiga 500 U41 Pin 8 -> Gotek "JTCK-SWCLK" pin (PA14) (near the serial tx programming pin, please see picture).


(High resolution : https://hxc2001.com/download/floppy_dri ... SD_Mod.jpg)

:arrow: Amstrad CPC6128 :

OSD Video out : Gotek U8 Pin 5 (PB15) -> 220 / 470 ohms resistor (or a 1k ohms potentiometer) -> CPC6128 R128 (see picture).
OSD Video CSYNC in : CPC6128 IC116 Pin 5 -> Gotek "JTCK-SWCLK" pin (PA14) (near the serial tx programming pin, please see picture).


(High resolution : https://hxc2001.com/download/floppy_dri ... SD_Mod.jpg)

:arrow: Atari STE :

OSD Video out : Gotek U8 Pin 5 (PB15) -> 220 / 470 ohms resistor (or a 1k ohms potentiometer) -> Atari STE R420 (see picture).
OSD Video CSYNC in : Atari STE R475 -> Gotek "JTCK-SWCLK" pin (PA14) (near the serial tx programming pin, please see picture).


(High resolution : https://hxc2001.com/download/floppy_dri ... SD_Mod.jpg)
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Re: HxC firmware for Gotek drive instructions

Post by Jeff »

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QuickDisk Emulation support : https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-e ... kdisk.html

The HxC Firmware for Gotek have a QuickDisk floppy emulation mode since the version
The QuickDisk variant of the HxC Floppy Emulator firmware can be found in the "QuickDisk" folder in the firmware archive :

Firmware archive

A blank .QD floppy disk file image can be found in the firmware archive in the /QuickDisk folder. You can initialize/format this image with your QD machine.

:arrow: The Floppy Emulator Quickdisk pinout assignation is :

Code: Select all

Floppy Emulator QD pinout signals assignation :

		-- Shugart pin --          -- QuickDisk Signal function --

		Pin  2 (/DC)           ->  /MS (/MediaSense)
		Pin 10 (/DS0)          ->  Connect it to GND/VSS
		Pin 16 (/MotorOn)      ->  /MO
		Pin 20 (/Step)         ->  /RS (/Reset)
		Pin 22 (/WriteData)    ->  /WD (/WriteData)
		Pin 24 (/WriteGate)    ->   WG (WriteGate)
		Pin 28 (/WriteProtect) ->   WP (WriteProtect)
		Pin 30 (/ReadData)     ->   RD (ReadData)
		Pin 34 (/Ready)        ->  /RY (/Ready)
:arrow: The wiring to follow between the floppy emulator and a 10 pins QuickDisk machine is :

Code: Select all

		-- Shugart Floppy Emulator pin --          -- 10 pins QuickDisk machines --

		Pin  2 (/DC)                        ->     QD Pin 7 : /MS (/MediaSense)
		Pin 16 (/MotorOn)                   ->     QD Pin 4 : /MO (/Motor ON)
		Pin 20 (/Step)                      ->     QD Pin 8 : /RS (/Reset)
		Pin 22 (/WriteData)                 ->     QD Pin 2 : /WD (/WriteData)
		Pin 24 (/WriteGate)                 ->     QD Pin 3 : WG (WriteGate)
		Pin 28 (/WriteProtect)              ->     QD Pin 1 : WP (WriteProtect)
		Pin 30 (/ReadData)                  ->     QD Pin 5 : RD (ReadData)
		Pin 34 (/Ready)                     ->     QD Pin 6 : /RY (/Ready)
		PSU Pin 1 (+5V)                     ->     QD Pin 9 : +5 Volts
		PSU Pin 2 (VSS/GND)                 ->     QD Pin 10: VSS/GND
:arrow: The wiring to follow between the floppy emulator and a 12 pins Mitsumi QuickDisk machine is :
Note : The Nintendo FDS use a different pinout !

Code: Select all

		-- Shugart Floppy Emulator pin --          -- 12 pins Mitsumi QuickDisk machines --

		Pin  2 (/DC)                        ->     QD Pin 3 : /MS (/MediaSense)
		Pin 16 (/MotorOn)                   ->     QD Pin 10: /MO (/Motor ON)
		Pin 20 (/Step)                      ->     QD Pin 6 : /RS (/Reset)
		Pin 22 (/WriteData)                 ->     QD Pin 8 : /WD (/WriteData)
		Pin 24 (/WriteGate)                 ->     QD Pin 9 : WG (WriteGate)
		Pin 28 (/WriteProtect)              ->     QD Pin 5 : WP (WriteProtect)
		Pin 30 (/ReadData)                  ->     QD Pin 4 : RD (ReadData)
		Pin 34 (/Ready)                     ->     QD Pin 7 : /RY (/Ready)
		PSU Pin 1 (+5V)                     ->     QD Pin 2 : +5 Volts
		PSU Pin 2 (VSS/GND)                 ->     QD Pin 1 : VSS/GND
		PSU Pin 3 (VSS/GND)                 ->     QD Pin 12: VSS/GND
Pins 4,6,8,12,14,18,26 and 32 can be left unconnected on the Gotek.
Odd pins Gotek pins (1,3,5,7,...,33) should be connected to the VSS/GND.

The jumper must be set to "MO".

Below you can found the QuickDisk Floppy Drive Interface to the floppy emulator wiring schematic for the following machines :

Akai MD-280(S612) (*) / S700 (*) / X3700 / X7000 (*)
Korg SQD-1 / SQD-8
Roland S-10 (*) / S-220 (*) / MKS-100 (*) / MT-100 (*2) / PR-100
Sharp MZ-800 (*) / MZ-1500 / MSX QDM-01
Yamaha MDF-1

(*) Tested and working !
(*2) Tested and working ! Beware : use the Mitsumi pinout !


The wiring can be done without soldering on most machines. Below an example of wiring done with "Jumper cables" :


(Bigger image size : https://hxc2001.com/download/floppy_dri ... Wiring.jpg)

Here it is the typical male to female jumper cables you can use :

https://uk.farnell.com/pro-signal/psg-j ... dp/2452749


If you have another machine and want to know which wiring you must use, just ask ! :)
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