PC compatible 26 pins FDD pinout

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PC compatible 26 pins FDD pinout

Post by Jonas »

I've got my hand on a rare but dead all-in-keyboard 486 computer (same form factor as an Amiga A1200, really nice). Long story short, after 2 weeks of intense restoration of the power supply it finally boot normaly. Due to space constraints nothing is standard inside and the floppy is 26pins instead of the usual 34 pins (not flexcable connector, it's a normal floppy cable (but with only 26 wires)). I'd like to replace both the HDD and the FDD by SSD solutions, I chose a (34pins) HxC for the FDD and a CF for the HDD.

The original FDD is a TEAC-335HF, I found that on the net but it's not close enough:
- https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_t ... 90_2304682
- https://hxc2001.com/download/datasheet/f ... F-A291.PDF

I also tried the pinout of this adapter (http://www.martinruss.com/sy99adapter.html) without sucess (the HxC isn't powered at all).

So if someone know the pinout for PC compatible 26 pins FDD and/or got the datasheet for the TEAC FD-335HF I'll be a happy man! :)

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